Summer 2017
When Ethan Kranig and his mom Natalie planned a trip to the beach, they had no idea it would turn in to the trip of a lifetime.
Ethan, a 9-year-old from Wisconsin, has a rare disease called ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia. Children born with this genetic condition can experience a variety of issues including missing fingers and toes, a cleft lip and palate, and growth problems. In Ethan's case, one of his major symptoms is the loss of most of his eyesight. His mother planned a family trip to the beach last week in Wildwood, New Jersey, to make sure he would "see the sea" in his lifetime.
Little did they know, a New Jersey man named John Lynch had gotten wind of their story through a mutual friend. Lynch started an organization called Lunch with Lynch, which serves at-risk youth in his community. When he heard the family was making a trip to Wildwood, Lynch made it his mission to help them have the best experience possible using the connections he'd made through his foundation.